Bet you never thought you’d see a picture of Tom Cruise in this newsletter, did you now? Well, don’t be so snooty. Ol’ Tom’s got some good pictures under his belt, and I’m not just talking about Jerry Maguire. He’s starred in more decent sci-fi flicks than most of that A-list Hollywood rabble. You’ve got Minority Report and Edge of Tomorrow and even War of the Worlds.

And then there’s Oblivion.

I remember this film getting terrible reviews when it first came out. Which is why I didn’t go to watch it in the cinema (despite already being a Tom Cruise-convert though the excellent Mission Impossible films). But I spotted it on Netflix the other day, and it had a 98% compatibility rating, so I thought I’d give it a try. And low and behold, I found I had just signed up for two hours of sci-fi excellence!

This movie’s got all your favourite sci-fi tropes. Alien invasion. Lethal droids. Beautiful futuristic houses high up in the sky with glass-bottomed swimming pools. What more could you want? I have no idea whether this is available on Netflix in the US (the Vietnamese Netflix can differ), but if it is, I’d highly recommend checking it out. And after you have, let me know what you thought!