As part of my ongoing mission to please my beloved readers (that’s you, amigo), I want to write a novella that I will be giving away for free. It will be set in the Star Inferno™ universe (obviously, because I don’t have any other book series yet), and I want you to help me choose what to write about.

I have a few rough ideas (outlined below), and I’d really welcome your thoughts about which one you’re most excited about. Of course, if you’ve got an idea that isn’t mentioned here, I’d love to hear it. Just email and let me know what you think. Here are the ideas:

Idea One
A prequel that takes place before the events of Spark explaining more about Tayne’s deadly first encounter with the Wanashuk.

Idea Two
A prequel showing what happened when Firelord Halde chanced upon Tayne (and Vyle) for the first time back on Ligar III, and how he came to be indoctrinated into the Church of the Flaming Starcaptain.

Idea Three
A spin-off novel about the cat

Idea Four
A spin-off novel about Hoogris

Idea Five
A spin-off novel about Rath